- Sprache
- Umfang
VIII, 175 S.
- Anmerkungen
Amsterdam : Paris, 1926
- Standort
Frankfurt am Main
- Thema
- Beteiligte Personen und Organisationen
Michelson, Hyman (Beobachter)
- Erschienen
Amsterdam : Paris, 1926
- Inhaltsverzeichnis
Deckblatt; Titelblatt; Contents; "Aaron fil diaboli"; Introduction; The Old Testament. / The New Testament.; Herod. / His wroth. / The Devil. / Caiaphas.; Jewish Noisiness. / Judas.; The Jews, their Cruelty, Mockery, Cursing, Swearing, etc.; The Gospel in Anglo-Saxon England.; The Two Testaments in Anglo-Saxon England.; Settlement of the Jews in England.; The Saxons. The Normans. The English Jews.; The Jew from an Economical Point of View. The Jews and the King.; His legal position.; The Jew and the Clergy.; Usury.; The Jew and the People.; The Blood-Sacrifice.; The Expulsion.; The Black Death and its Cause.; The Jew, a Mixture of Historical Facts & Biblical Fancy.; The Jews' Ubiquity in Literature. / William Langland's Piers Plowman.; The Miracles of Our Lady in the Vernon MS.; Chaucer's Prioresses Tale.; A Disputation between a Christian and a Jew.; The Pound of Flesh Incident.; Cursor Mundi.; John Gower's Confessio Amantis.; Romances. Titus and Vesparsian. / Anth. Munday, Of a Jew who would for his Debt have a Pound of the Flesh of a Christian. / The Ballads.; Judas. / The Harrowing of Hell.; Gernutus.; The Jew's Daughter.; The Wandering Jew.; The Religious Drama.; Mysteries and Miracles.; Gesticulation. / Jargon.; Wroth, Bragging and Cruelty.; The Jew's comic Character.; Play of Sacrament.; The Morality.; St. Mary Magdalen.; Devil, Vice and Jew.; The regular Drama. Wilson's Three Ladies of London.; The Jew.; Marlowe's Jew of Malta. / Machiavelli.; Shylock.; Massinger's Duke of Milan.; "Machiavellus". / Greene's Selimus.; The Wisdom of Doctor Dodypoll. / Iacke Drum's Entertainment.; The Travailes of the Three English Brothers.; Robert Daborne's A Christian turned Turk.; Decker's Jew of Venice.; Newes from Hell. / Beaumont and Fletcher's Custom of the Country.; Webster's The Devil's Law-case. / Thomas Goffe's The Raging Turk.; John Ford's Perkin Warbeck. / Richard Brome, The Jewish Gentleman.; Peele's The Love of King David and Fair Betshabe. / Heming's The Jewes Tragedy. / The Name of "Jew".; Bearing and Physiognomy.; His Dress.; His Smell. / His Language. Swearing and Cursing.; His Soul and Character.; His Aim in Life and Mode of Living.; Jewish Criminality.; His Intellect and Learning.; His House.; His Family.; His Servants.; His Friends.; His Philantrophy.; His Religion.; His occupation.; The Jew's Life among the Christians.; The Law and the Jew.; Jew-Baiting.; Baptism.; Probability of the Character of the Jew in Literature from a Jewish Point of View.; Possibility of the Jew's Character from a general Point of View.; Reason of the Jew's Success on the Stage.; The Jew's Change from a Comic figure to a Tragi-Comic one.; Devil and Vice.; An appreciation of the Jew in the Drama from a purely technical point of view.; Conclusion; Principal books, pamphlets, periodicals, texts, essays, literary histories, books of reference, referred to
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- Monografie
- Michelson, Hyman (Beobachter)
- Amsterdam : Paris, 1926