Cooperative Learning and Peer Tutoring to Promote Students’ Mathematics Education
On the basis of experiences and studies developed in the last ten years, the contribution aims to discuss some different peculiarities between Cooperative Learning and Peer Tutoring models in Mathematics lesson. These models are specific interpretations of a way of conducting Mathematics lessons which requires the activity of students, their personal participation in the construction of knowledge. In the description of the two teaching-learning models, the analysis will deal in particular with the social aspects these models involve. Describing these two modalities of cooperation, also the importance of the care for the choice of suitable mathematical tasks and for different pedagogical setting they require will appear clearly. The issues described, together with the analogies and differences between the two models, could contribute to suggest more adequate didactical projects for teachers and deeper studies about students’ collaboration based models for researchers.
- Erschienen in
Proceedings of the tenth International Conference Models in Developing Mathematics Education. - Dresden : Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, 2009. - S. 486 - 490
- Verwandtes Objekt und Literatur
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Geistige Schöpfung
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Pesci, Angela
- Ereignis
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HTW Dresden
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20.10.2023, 09:50 MESZ
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- Konferenzbeitrag
- Pesci, Angela
- HTW Dresden