Industrial relations in post-communism: Workplace co-operation in Hungary and Slovenia
The paper is derived from a survey conducted in the second half of 1999. According to the data, two different types of industrial relations exist in Hungary and Slovenia. Both are strongly influenced by regulatory patterns formed within the two different communist traditions. Hungarian industrial relations are unitary in nature. They are characterized by trade union integration in managerial structures. At workplace level, Slovenian trade unions are more worker-oriented. In accordance with this basic feature, the whole scene is more pluralistic and more conflicting. Processes of forming industrial relations structures in the two countries are divergent. The divergence is significant, in spite of early implementation of German model in both cases. In both transitional societies the roles of capital and labor differentiate in accordance with the patterns, which are stronger than the imported intermediary institutions.
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Journal: Journal for East European Management Studies ; ISSN: 0949-6181 ; Volume: 6 ; Year: 2001 ; Issue: 4 ; Pages: 400-420 ; Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag
- Klassifikation
- Ereignis
Geistige Schöpfung
- (wer)
Stanojević, Miroslav
- Ereignis
- (wer)
Rainer Hampp Verlag
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- Letzte Aktualisierung
10.03.2025, 11:41 MEZ
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- Artikel
- Stanojević, Miroslav
- Rainer Hampp Verlag
- 2001