Evolution of Regional Disparities in Romania - A Shift-share Analysis
The paper aims to assess the evolution of the development disparities (output, employment, overall and by sectors) in the regions and counties of Romania. Using classic and spatial shift-share analysis tools, we investigate the extent to which the existing interregional and, especially, intra-regional and inter-county inequalities can be attributed to different factors, such as industry mix, regional specific factors, and interregional interactions. The results reveal a diverse milieu and offer useful insights both for general and specifically targeted policies in the area of regional development.
- Language
- Bibliographic citation
Series: 51st Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "New Challenges for European Regions and Urban Areas in a Globalised World", 30 August - 3 September 2011, Barcelona, Spain
- Classification
Economic Development: Urban, Rural, Regional, and Transportation Analysis; Housing; Infrastructure
Regional Economic Activity: Growth, Development, Environmental Issues, and Changes
Size and Spatial Distributions of Regional Economic Activity
General Regional Economics: Econometric and Input-Output Models; Other Models
- Subject
Romanian regions
regional disparities
shift-share analysis
regional development
- Event
Geistige Schöpfung
- (who)
Chilian, Mihaela-Nona
- Event
- (who)
European Regional Science Association (ERSA)
- (where)
- (when)
- Handle
- Last update
20.09.2024, 8:21 AM CEST
Data provider
ZBW - Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft. If you have any questions about the object, please contact the data provider.
Object type
- Konferenzbeitrag
- Chilian, Mihaela-Nona
- European Regional Science Association (ERSA)
Time of origin
- 2011