William Prynne

Public Domain
Hat mitgewirkt an:
The third Part of the soveraigne power of parliaments and Kingdomes
The antipathie of the English lordly Prelacie, both to regall monarchy and civill unity : or, an historicall collection of the severall execrable treasons, conspiracies, rebellions, seditions ... of...
Antiquae Constitutiones Regni Angliae Sub Regibus Joanne, Henrico Tertio, Et Edoardo Primo, Circa Jurisdictionem Et Potestatem Ecclesiasticam : Ex Archivis Regiis in Turri Londinensi fideliter...
Concordia discors : or, the dissonant harmony of sacred publique oathes, protestations, leagues, covenants, ingagementes lately taken by many time-serving saints officers, without scruple of...
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- Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
- Bibliothèque nationale de France
- Wikipedia (English)
- Digitaler Portraitindex der druckgraphischen Bildnisse der Frühen Neuzeit
- NACO Authority File
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- Wikidata
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