Outside the State - the Shadow Economy and Shadow Economy Labor Force
In this paper the main focus lies on the shadow economy and on work in the shadow. The most influential factors on the shadow economy are tax policies and state regulation. The size of the shadow economy was decreasing over 1999 to 2007 from 34.0% to 31.2% for 161 countries (unweighted average). Furthermore, economic opportunities, taxes and regulations, the general situation on the labor market, and unemployment are crucial for an under-standing of the dynamics of the shadow labor force. Opposite to the decrease of the shadow economy (value added figures), the shadow economy labor force increased for most countries over the period 1999 to 2007.
- Sprache
- Erschienen in
Series: CESifo Working Paper ; No. 4829
- Klassifikation
Illegal Behavior and the Enforcement of Law
Tax Evasion and Avoidance
Positive Analysis of Policy Formulation and Implementation
- Thema
shadow economy
undeclared work
shadow labor force
tax morale
tax pressure
state regulation
labor market
- Ereignis
Geistige Schöpfung
- (wer)
Schneider, Friedrich
- Ereignis
- (wer)
Center for Economic Studies and ifo Institute (CESifo)
- (wo)
- (wann)
- Handle
- Letzte Aktualisierung
10.03.2025, 11:45 MEZ
ZBW - Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft. Bei Fragen zum Objekt wenden Sie sich bitte an den Datenpartner.
- Arbeitspapier
- Schneider, Friedrich
- Center for Economic Studies and ifo Institute (CESifo)
- 2014