Tackling youth unemployment in East-Central Europe
This paper draws upon evidence from survey research in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia to describe how young people's old routes into the labour markets in East-Central Europe have disintegrated in the 1990s while new routes and career groups have been created. A typology of these new routes is constructed and is then used to explain how and why levels of youth unemployment have risen and refuse to fall even in countries where, according to official economic statistics, recovery is now well-advanced, and despite the introduction of active labour market measures. It is concluded that levels of youth unemployment will subside, and prevent the creation of excluded groups, only if the development of the new market economies is managed.
- Language
- Bibliographic citation
Journal: Journal for East European Management Studies ; ISSN: 0949-6181 ; Volume: 4 ; Year: 1999 ; Issue: 3 ; Pages: 238-251 ; Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag
- Classification
- Event
Geistige Schöpfung
- (who)
Roberts, Kenneth
Fagan, Colette
Foti, Klara
Jung, Bohdan H.
Kovačeva, Sijka
Macháček, Ladislav
- Event
- (who)
Rainer Hampp Verlag
- (where)
- (when)
- Handle
- Last update
20.09.2024, 8:22 AM CEST
Data provider
ZBW - Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft. If you have any questions about the object, please contact the data provider.
Object type
- Artikel
- Roberts, Kenneth
- Fagan, Colette
- Foti, Klara
- Jung, Bohdan H.
- Kovačeva, Sijka
- Macháček, Ladislav
- Rainer Hampp Verlag
Time of origin
- 1999