Autobiografie | Autobiographie
My life
General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck is best known as the German commander in German East Africa in World War I. He was undefeated in that campaign against British and Commonwealth forces. Those experiences were recorded in his book "My Reminiscences of East Africa." "My Life" covers his non East African service. It is in effect his autobiography. "My Life" is the story of a remarkable man who served his country in the most difficult times and places. His career included service with German forces in the China Relief expedition (Boxer Rebellion) and as an officer in German Southwest Africa during the native uprisings of the early 1900s.
- Ausgabe
1. ed.
- Sprache
- Umfang
VII, 220 S.
- Maße
23 cm
- Anmerkungen
Ill., Kt.
- Standort
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt am Main
- Schlagwort
- Urheber
- Beteiligte Personen und Organisationen
Pierce, James
Dohrenwend, Robert E.
Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul von
- Ereignis
- (wo)
Loves Park, Ill.
- (wer)
Rilling Enterprises
- (wann)
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- Autobiografie
- Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul von
- Pierce, James
- Dohrenwend, Robert E.
- Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul von
- Rilling Enterprises
- 2012