SCOSTEP (Scientific Committee of Solar-Terrestrical Physics)
Enthält auch: IGPP (International Biosphere Program);
STP (Scientific Commission Solar-Terrestrical Physics)
- Reference number
III. Abt., ZA160, Nr. 38
- Holding
III. Abt., ZA160 Nachlass Sir Ian Axford
- Context
Nachlass Sir Ian Axford >> Nachlass Sir Ian Axford >> IV Institutionen (einschl. MPI für Aeronomie)
- Indexentry person
Scientific Committee of Solar-Terrestrical Physics
- Date of creation
- Other object pages
- Last update
11.09.2024, 11:27 AM CEST
Data provider
Archiv der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. If you have any questions about the object, please contact the data provider.
Object type
- Sachakte
Time of origin
- 1985-2002