Stolpe & surrounding area
Enthält u.a.: Agreement on Stolpe and surrounding ares.- Memo and protocol. Enthält auch: 1. Allied Kommandatura Berlin (AKB): minutes of the 8th meeting of the Commandants, 30.08.1945. 2. ACA Coordinating Committee, report by Kommandatura on removal of radio tower from proposed airfield site at Tegel, 03.09.1945. 3. Allied Kommandatura Berlin (AKB): minutes of the meeting of the Deputy Commandants, 03.09.1945.
- Archivaliensignatur
B Rep. 036-01 Nr. 4/127-3/17
- Bestand
B Rep. 036-01 Office of Military Government Berlin Sector (OMGBS)
- Kontext
B Rep. 036-01 Office of Military Government Berlin Sector (OMGBS) >> 04. Civil Administration and Political Affairs Branch (PAB)
- Laufzeit
Januar 1949
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- Januar 1949