Save the Date: Coding da Vinci Ost – Our Culture Hackathon in Leipzig!
By Wiebke Hauschildt (Online Editor)
Since 2014, the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (German Digital Library) has, along with its partners Servicestelle Digitalisierung Berlin (Service Centre Digitalisation Berlin), Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland and Wikimedia Deutschland, been organising the first German culture hackathon Coding da Vinci, which focuses on the free availability and usability of cultural data. We are very pleased that the hackathon – in its fifth year now – is generating ever greater interest and approval and has also been fond of travelling for two years:
After having taken place as Coding da Vinci Nord in Hamburg in 2016 and again in its home town Berlin in 2017, it now takes place in Leipzig. The kick-off of the culture hackathon will take place as Coding da Vinci Ost, which is jointly organised by the Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (Leipzig University Libary), the Institut für Digitale Technologien (Institute for Digital Technologies) and OK Lab Leipzig, at the Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig on 14 and 15 April 2018.
The Coding da Vinci Ost will be focused on the three federal states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia: what treasures are hidden in this region’s cultural data? How can these be combined to something completely new with some imagination? Following the tradition of its predecessors, Coding da Vinci Ost wishes to show the potential of freely available, largely usable cultural data and directly use it creatively in order to pave the way to exciting projects with sustainability. Creative people, cultural hackers and cultural institutions will come together again in order to create something new along with the cultural data.
The kick-off weekend represents the starting shot for the hackathon: in the meanwhile established and popular „One Minute Madness“, the representatives of the 30 participating cultural institutions have one minute time to introduce their data to the participants and – what is important! – to make their data so tempting for them that projects emerge on their basis. This is followed by detailed data presentations and the idea pitch: the teams come together, they brainstorm and the hacking begins. The second day is then entirely devoted to the development. For this purpose, various input sessions give background information and thought-provoking impulses.
One of the sessions focuses on the public API of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek: Stephan Bartholmei, who is responsible for product development and innovation at the DDB, will demonstrate the API with the help of a deep neural network by means of an example app for picture classification and keyword generation which was jointly developed with the workshop participants.
After the kick-off weekend, the participating cultural hackers have nine weeks time to develop their projects and present them at the award ceremony taking place at the Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig – which, by the way, was named „Library of the Year 2017“! – on 16 June.
We wish all participants a lot of fun and success and we are very much looking forward to the results!
In Detail
Coding da Vinci Ost – the Culture Hackathon
Saturday, 14 April 2018 & Sunday, 15 April 2018
10 am – 6 pm
Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig
Bibliotheca Albertina
Beethovenstraße 6
04107 Leipzig
Entrance free – registration at: https://pretix.eu/ubleipzig/cdvost/
Further Information:
Coding da Vinci on Twitter
Coding da Vinci: Impressions of the Culture Hackathon since 2014 on our website