Do you have a story you would like to tell about our content? We'd love to read it! 

The German Digital Library uses various editorial formats to tell the stories behind the objects on our website.

Blog posts and image galleries highlight the collections of a wide range of cultural heritage institutions and encourage our users to engage with this content in new ways.

Do you have a story to tell about our content? We'd love to read it!

Why tell stories?

Stories connect people just like cultural heritage connects people. And to find the stories in our collections, we would love your support. With over 50 million objects in the database of the German Digital Library, there should still be a lot worth telling that we have missed so far!

The following formats are available:

  1. Blog posts: Articles highlighting a topic, usually 600-800 words
  2. Image galleries: Headline, short introductory text (70 - 80 words), approx. 50 objects from the German Digital Library database on a topic

Already have an idea?

Read our editorial guidelines and recommendations and send us your idea as a short synopsis to kommunikation [at]

We need the following information in your email:

  • your  full  name
  • the  format: blog post or gallery?
  • the  topic: what would you like to write about and why?
  • which  objects  from  the  German Digital Library would you like to use? (Please include the links to the objects)

We look forward to receiving all ideas submitted and will contact you to discuss the next steps.

The time from submission of an idea/topic to publication varies. A period of around 4 to 8 weeks is envisaged. There is no guarantee of publication.

Only suggest topics and content that you can research, write and produce within this time frame.

Please note that all editorial content is published under a Creative Commons licence (CC BY-SA 4.0 International).

You can find detailed information on the formats in our editorial guidelines. You can find tips on writing articles in our editorial recommendations